Books and Paper

First book I made out of recycled paper. Detail. 2006

Book made of recycled copy paper. Seven days of notes I wrote to myself and probably wouldn't have looked back at. 2006

No nonsense A steamy book about nylon. 2008

Hosiery was used to make the DIY lingerie in the photographs and in the book itself. 2008

flashes of red between each page. 2008

Scientific facts of nylon, that I gathered during my research project on the topic, were included as well as advertisements of brands of "nylons." 2008

Back cover of No nonsense. 2008

Book made of varying colors of tissue paper that called for participation in Gallery 175, Insadong, Seoul, Korea 2008

Participant. 2008

Participant. 2008

Work. 2008

Participant. 2008

Still participating after a phone call. 2008

Participant. 2008
Participant and observer. 2008

End result, those are AnNa Kim's flowers and camera. 2008

Installed in the Brown Center at MICA back in the USA. 2008

Half size replica of a codex book. 2008

Detail. 2008

Leathers bound it. 2008

Centerfold. 2008

Uniformity book. 2008

Uniformity book detail. 2008

Part of the uniformity collection. Photo by Jonnie Hallman. 2008

Uniformity class production day. 2008

Baltimore Neighborhood Paper. Made from trash collected in Bolton Hill, Mount Vernon and Midtown-Belvedere. 2009

Bolton Hill. October 3rd, 2009

Midtown-Belvedere. October 13th, 2009

Mount Vernon, October 20th, 2009

The collection was displayed in piles in front of a lightbox. 2009

Papermaking Process, part of YOU USED TO BE MORE FUN. 2009