I will be working at the Sunspot Café soon. As soon as it is properly inspected and all the employees are trained that is. I've been helping out in the decorating and painting of the place in the last few weeks. I've also designed a coupon and two gift certificates that will be printed and used once we've opened. I'm really excited to start working there, it's going to have fantastic, mostly vegetarian food, treats like cupcakes and gluten-free baked delicacies. And it's a two second walk from my house!
Here's what I've designed:
coupons, doubled up to fit on 8.5" x 11" paper |
Gift certificate, postcard sized |
Gift certificate, dollar bill sized |
The logo is different in the certificates because it changed, and I didn't design the logo, I'm pretty sure the owner did that. It was nice to work with.
Please don't try to print these off yourself. One, because we're going to print them on specific paper and two, because that's rude.
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